Our Facilities
Tulipians primary school houses classes 1 to class VIII .The kids are admitted to class 1 from age 5.5 years onwards.They are admitted on age criteria only.The kids undergo a friendly interaction alongwith their parents and that is the only criteria for admission. Our approach to the curriculum is completely as per CBSE guidelines. English, Mathematics ,EVS ,G.K ,Vernaculars form the main part of the curriculum – these are known as the core subjects. The children also learn about Computing, Art and Design,Music,Technology,Languages, Physical Education including yoga – these are known as the foundation subjects. Much of the curriculum taught is related to real life experiences so as to make learning more meaningful for the children. An integrated curriculum allows children’s learning in all traditional subjects to occur primarily through projects that the teachers plan and that reflect the children’s interests. This type of curriculum facilitates children’s exploration, discovery, problem solving, critical thinking and experimentation in a meaningful context and allows for project based learning to occur. The children’s knowledge and skills are developed through practical in nature activity-based tasks.The children are taught in a variety of ways – individually, in small groups and as a whole class. The children’s class work is supported by local visits and organised outings, as well as arranging theatre groups, musicians, dancers and storytellers to visit the school.
Through our environment and curriculum we at TULIPIANS PRIMARY SCHOOL impart a positive attitude towards learning, develop social skills which will help them to make friends and to be able to relate to other adults and to cope with new situations,give Emotional security so that they feel happy, safe and confident , and inculcate Independence skills in working as well as such things as dressing and going to the toilet.
Physical education: As a formal center of learning, the opportunity to bring education and sport together is one of the main areas of focus at TULIPIANS PRIMARY SCHOOL. Along with the direct benefits to the students through improved physical skills, health, self –confidence & self esteem benefits are also associated with skilled and regular exercise. SPORTS also serves as a therapy for the children with special needs helping in their gross motor development. We provide a minimum of two hours of P.E. per week.
CCE:- At TULIPIANS PRIMARY SCHOOL – TPS CCE or Continuous & comprehensive evaluation allows the T-Mastroes to observe and help identify the child’s area’s of aptitude & the attitude of the child over a period of time. Such regular assessments help the class teachers to identify the needs of the children and to plan for future needs. Regular observations are done and records are kept on all children to chart their progress and achievements.. A childs progress is discussed quarterly with the parents to give them a clear picture of the child’s achievements and also areas for improvement.
Student teacher ratio:- TPS is concerned with the thorough growth of the children, thus maintaining a ratio of 2:15 between the faculty and kids. Furthermore, all learning aids .are there in 1:1 ratio to make things more interesting and creative. The learning process is attuned to attract and allure the kids to have lots of fun as they learn.
Special Needs : We at TPS , feel that Children may be seen, at any time during their school careers, to have a special need for a variety of reasons. It may be because they are experiencing difficulty in learning, or because there are concerns about their attitude or behavior or they may be suffering with some kind of developmental delay. All teachers closely monitor the progress of children in their class and where appropriate the school’s Special Educator is involved in identifying specific needs and providing relevant interventions. The school system for identifying and monitoring special needs follows a Code of Practice and observations. Parents are regularly kept informed about their children’s progress and any concerns can be discussed with the class teacher. By working together, parents and staff can help the children to overcome or minimise any difficulties he or she may be experiencing. Helping a child with particular needs might mean the class teacher has to set slightly different work for a child to do and additional adult support may be given.Speech therapy and other developmental therapies like behavior modification classes are a part of the regular cuuriculum of special kids.